Single Christians Blog

Friday, January 13, 2012

America's Forefathers were Absolutely Christian!

I just googled America's Forefathers to do some research on our history and found all kinds of garbage websites saying, "America's Forefathers were not Christian". They infested the entire first page of results! This is astounding to me!

It's not astounding that there are "lost souls" pulling for the wrong team, as many perverted and ignorant people do in so many ways in life, but I'm astounded because I just read an outstanding article on this exact topic last night by Dave Meyer, of Joyce Meyer Ministries of. The ministry's website is online at

In fact, Dave did such an outstanding job with his article entitled, "Reclaiming Our Nation's Heritage" that I am going to retype it in this space for your enjoyment, so THIS IS A REPRINT OF "Reclaiming Our Nations Heritage", by Dave Meyer, found in an undated paperback edition of Enjoying Everyday Live.

Reclaiming Our Nations Heritage, Why You Need to Know Your Past to Help Your Future.

God is at the helm of our nation’s history and has been guiding American from the very beginning. Our Founding Fathers recognized this, and included the Almighty in virtually all of their writings and speeches.

For example, in the declaration of Independence - the foundational document of the United States - God is mentioned four different times. In the final reference to God, the Founders boldly state their "firm reliance on the protection of Devine Providence."

But today, most American's know very little about their Christian heritage. This lack of knowledge has caused the nation to slowly drift away from God. Secular humanism has spread like weeds, and American society is now reaping many negative results from this - the destruction of the sanctity of life and marriage being two examples.

America needs "Divine Providence."

What Exactly Is "Divine Providence"?
According to Webster’s original dictionary of 1828, providence is defined as "the care and superintendence which God exercises on His people. When we look at how providence was defined during that time period, we see that our Founding Fathers were acknowledging a belief that God - the God of the Bible - was guiding them and orchestrating His plans for America and her new form of government behind the scenes.

As our constitutional government took shape, and a new republic was constructed, the Master Craftsman left His fingerprint all over His handiwork. His touch is evident when we study the past by using providential history.

Providential History?

Providential history can be defined as the practice of including God in our historical studies instead of only learning about our past by memorizing dates and events. We must look at history through a biblical lens to see the full picture.

True history involves discerning and understanding God's plans, and recognizing His acts of influence on people and events. If we believe that God is sovereign and he is fulfilling His plan here on earth over the course of time, then as Christians, it is foolhardy not to included God in any form of history, but especially in the history of our Christian nation.

Yet, this is exactly what is taking place. Over the past fifty years or so, our society has become increasingly secular. As a result, most of our children's history books have been stripped of any mention of God. We are not into the second generation of children-the majority of them attending public schools-who are being taught their country's history from a secular humanistic point of view.

This current historical approach chooses to disregard Divine Providence, thus all references to God and the Christian faith are deleted from history textbooks and other forms of teaching. This has led our country to where it is today-a nation of people who have little knowledge of America's Christian heritage. If left unchanged for another generation or so, most Americans will be completely clueless of their nation's godly origins.

A Call to Action

As Woodrow Wilson, the twenty-eighth president of the United States, once said, "A nation which does not know what is is yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do. We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about..."But it's not too late for Christians in American to learn their providential history. In fact, it is imperative that more people here in the United States obtain this knowledge if our nation is to remain free.

Learning the providential history of the United States helps us to see how God inspired our Founding Fathers from the very beginning and how, over the course of time, we as a people allowed the religion of secular humanism to creep into tour institutions, enabling the slow erosion of our Christian heritage to the point where, today, most no longer recognize that Christianity is the back bone of our constitution. We must reverse this trend.

Once we know where we’re come from, we will see where we as a nation need to go-in fact, must go - to survive as a free and prosperous country. If Christians, living in a Christian nation, will stop being passive and take more responsibility with their nation’s stewardship, then the course of the United States will be redirected back onto the path of godliness. There is still hope for our culture and our future.

We Need You

As a Christian, it is our responsibility  - our duty - to participate in the political process. Together, let's learn as much about our godly heritage as we can so that we can make wise voting decisions.

With the knowledge of providential history combined with God's Word, we will be equipped to recognize those candidates running for office that stand on the principles of our godly heritage. Proverbs 2:6 says, For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

We will be able to look at issues such as stem-cell research, the environment, and taxes form God's perspective-then hold our leaders accountable to uphold and maintain our godly heritage.

is the Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries and has been married to Joyce for over forty years. He passionately shares the truth about our rich Christian heritage in conferences nationwide, encouraging people to get educated, pray and take action.

Enjoying everyday life is a publication by Joyce Meyers Ministries and all information contained herein is credited to such.

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