Single Christians Blog

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is God real?

That's a great question! Better yet, that’s "The" question!
It's not rocket science to assume that those before - those before us had parents, so we know that our ancestors were created by something. The first people on earth did not evolve from sand, or a fish or whatever. God combined very specific ingredients of water, energy, nutrients and other cellular properties to form a human in His own likeness, for His own entertainment and reasons. Not exactly like God but similar to Him. His name was Adam, as the Bible clearly tells us. He was unable to reproduce by himself, as an earthly being with many limitations that God does not have, so God created a similar creature that was a female version, called Eve. We are here, so we know that something created those before us, so let's get to exposing the truth! 

In John 15:15, Jesus calls us his friend and said that he gave us, as humans, all that he knows about God in scripture. That's the purpose of the Bible, to let you know that there is a divine Creator and a reason that we are all here. It was critical that our creator (God) got that information to our eyes, brain, heart and then spirit. Moreover, it's really important that we find out what it is for each of us because all things work together for the glory of God. A prime indicator that God is real is the Holy Spirit inside each Christian. The Holy Spirit is an almost unexplainable feeling inside, that represents a small portion of the spirit of God himself. It's almost too much for the human mind to comprehend, because it's unbound by worldly limits but we somehow know when we feel it coming to life inside us. The amount of it that is inside you is directly related to how you live your thought life and how much faith you have that the Bible is absolutely true.

I believe that we experience the Holy Spirit often, for some it's daily, whether we recognize it for what it is or not. It usually occurs when we see another person in need, or witness someone living in the spirit themselves, doing what God created them to do. We somehow instinctively know that they are so good at doing whatever it is that they are doing, that watching them do it is incredible and we actually feel it! It's that chill that runs through your whole body, or down your spine when you hear a beautiful song sang fantastically for the first time, or the feeling of complete love in your heart when your child or spouse tells you that they love you at certain times, when you know it's coming from their heart. 

How much Holy Spirit you experience depends on what you choose to acknowledge or what you do with the God given free will inside you and your level of Faith. In short, how badly you desire to experience and be closer to God and to live as He designed you to live, will determine how much God you experience. Now let's discover what the Bible tells us about God.
The word "God, Lord or King" appears in The Bible over 14,000 times. A few of those "Kings" are about actual earthly King's but the rest are about God. Is it possible that this book is truly about Him and for us? Could it be that the passages, which says we were created for His enjoyment be true? 
I never want anyone to think that I am some Christian Scholar (I can barely spell it) who is giving you my opinion of God from some "High-horse" because of "over education" but it's also important that we don't find ourselves in a situation of analysis paralysis on the topic. Christian Education comes through experience, research, exposure of truth and faith. My question was always "how come he did/didn't______", when I needed Him? I learned that all things work for His glory. I asked questions like, "why do infants die?" and it was revealed to me that His purposes are sometimes beyond my understanding. You know the conversations I'm talking about. I somehow knew all along that I was truly here for something very specific, even though I knew I would never find that without Spiritual Leadership from God, which I had little idea how to receive. 

It still consumes my thoughts and desires and I sometimes feel like I can't write this information down fast and accurately enough to keep up with how God is revealing it to me. All I know is that as He reveals His truths about our lives through scripture, research and experience, I get more peace in my soul. Not in a "oh, I just love my sweet little Jesus so much for changing that traffic light so quickly" type of change but a "soul shift" that rocks my world to the core and gives me a new understanding of something that I was previously oblivious to or confused about before. It has changed many things about the person I am today, compared to a decade ago, as He does for so many others who accept and believe in Him and what His word says about how to live life and it has taken my personal views from a point of weakness, or personal gain, to a perspective that it's about Him and not me.

The things that I was used to seeing every day changed. Everything that I felt a given way about somehow shifted in meaning. After a period of time where I was "devastated in a God way" which was happening while God was "cleaning out my heart", I began to notice that my priorities started shifting and I "actually" became a different person who wanted only to do what is right in a given situation, as the Bible states that it is.

I was not born into a "Christian Family" or taught who God is as a child, or of His importance in life, because my parents don't know themselves. As a result, my childhood life was miserable and I thought it was because of "Generational Sin", or "Bad Fruit" as it is described in the Bible but I was deceived! Generational Sin is ignorance and ignorant parents cause ignorant children. That is bad fruit or offspring and it can be overcome by Gods Truth!

Whatever your thoughts on the topic of, "Is God Real" that you may have... I've likely been there in those times of trouble, ignorance or need as I grew up and I assure you, 
The Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is as real as you are.

Many people perceive God as this "Kid in the sky with a magnifying glass, just waiting to burn us up". They fear Him, not because they are called to - but because He is unknown to them. They do not "get" His ways and are disconnected from their purpose in life. They are not happy, but they sometimes fake it well.

While people searching for the truth about their existence tend to get hung up on the semantics of evolution, compared to the big bang theory, I submit that they are both equally true. Truth is truth, period. There was a big bang and things evolved from there. We know that man evolves for many reasons. Look at what was considered beauty in a woman 100 years ago, compared to now. Or simply because we are now four (4) inches taller than the average man was in the 1800's. 
I believe that evolution is an important Blessing from God and it’s needed to maintain his perfect balance in the universe. His perfect balance will be a future message but for now, just know that its there. Examples are: God/Lucifer, Life/Death, Man/Woman, Day/Night, Good/Evil, Offense/Defense, Happy/Sad, etc. You get my point.

God started everything by giving it life and made it specifically to grow itself beyond that. Genesis 1:1 tells us that God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:14-19 tells us that God created time. It even tells which order He created many of those things, including man. He even goes on to tell us how long man is designed to live under the right circumstances, 120 years.
I researched this and found it to be true. Only one person is documented to have lived longer than 120 years. She is a woman from France named Jeanne Calment who lived to be 122. My deduction for her extra 2 years of life is one of two things; first, that she was woman - not man, and the scripture is literal. Second, she made it past her expiration date by Gods grace. There are multiple other men and women in history though, who live very long lives that always end before 120 years. Gen. 6:3

Skeptics and non-Believers will say that, "for all we know this is just some big experiment for aliens", or "we are but one of the millions of earths and millions of galaxies. no being could keep up with that". I have a family member that thinks God is a "energy" and that everything evolved from space dust. They are on to something with the energy part because God does project energy through all things. It’s now comical to me because I used to be one of those people.
The Bible can be confusing sometimes because scripture is repeated and occasionally spoken in parables. Gen. 1:26-27 says that man was created after animals, while Gen 2:18-19 states that man was first. That's called scripture out of context. The second chapter of Genesis is the account of God creating woman (Eve) for man (Adam). The bible also repeats itself in multiple places for reference and is "perceived" and "marketed" as a contradiction. Not so at all.

I get a big kick out of hearing of Pastors trying to prove God through science and Scientists trying to (dis) prove God with logic. These folks should stick to their own jobs but I understand their intentions. The truth is, we have only a very small piece of the puzzle in the Bible. It's His complete word, not complete works.

Think of the Bible as "The Owners Manual for Life on Earth". It has just enough information to prove that God is real, if you exercise your free will to choose Him and just enough "scriptural cross-reference and parable type wording" to keep "outsiders" with zero faith in Him out. 

This meaning that if God is real and The Bible is true, then He's a parent to us and views actually views us as his children. Parents protect their offspring by nature. He designed us that way because in this lost world, we need it! We are built in Gods image, remember? I also believe that if God would have built us to be able to use more than 10-15% of our brain, we clearly see Him and our deceased ancestors all around us. As well as His and Lucifer's representatives with us but that will have to be another message but my point is that it would drive us insane!

This is a big hang up for some people because they cannot conceive or "process" the true information that the highest purpose for their life and the reason that they have life, is for the enjoyment of another "being". A being that they can’t physically touch or hug. The idea of an entity that truly lives outside of time, space, thought and perception, as reality, is beyond their comprehension right now. That's okay though, we evolve as we learn truth! I was one of these people in the past.

The question "Is God Real" can be used for multiple reasons. Agnostics and other lost souls will look for this type of article so that they can somehow compile information that proves to themselves somehow that God isn't real. If this is your reason for reading this, the next question you should be asking yourself is, "do I have an agenda, or is there a question below my question?"

Most skeptics and lost souls have somehow come to a place in their life that is not a spiritually healthy place to be. Many are skeptics who think they have no faith. They have faith in chairs with legs not breaking and oncoming traffic staying in their lane, etc. It's manly and superficial faith - but it's faith.

Others, seekers of their creator - God, need and desire this type of information to confirm what they already somehow "feel" is true. These are usually the "lukewarm" Christians that you hear about being "on the fence", or they attend Church and fellowship as "Fire Insurance". Then you have the Christian "power houses" who drink this kind of information like water and are completely in love with God. They can't seem to ever "get enough Jesus". These are the people who change the world and whom we all desire to be like, whether publicly or not. 
When these folks die, their funerals are packed with people saying things like, "What an awesome person they were!". He/She was sure happy or in love with Jesus! Or I found God through him/her." Their stories end well" to quote Francis Chan in Crazy Love.

So the question, "Is God real" to me seems almost arrogant and becomes a statement. The truth is that God is as real as you want him to be because like it or not, His cause of salvation, procreation and love for fellow humans is the reason that you have life. Spiritually connected and Happy Christians can see God as clear as day. Continue reading at Single Christians Website >>

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